Train the Trainer
Our Train-The-Trainer Programs teach your instructors how to bring the power of Common Ground's programs to your employees. When large number of individuals are to be trained or where classified, privileged, or critical proprietary information must be discussed—organizations may prefer to use internal rather than outside training resources.
We certify your trainers to conduct many of our most popular programs, including Negotiate to WIN®, Advanced Negotiate to WIN, International Negotiate to WIN, all adaptations of Negotiate to WIN®, and The Conflict Resolution Workshop. Highly-regarded organizations such as McCormick, Black and Decker, Keebler, the FDIC, and many others continue to reap tremendous benefits from Common Ground programs taught by their own trainers.
Important Considerations
Before purchasing a Train-The-Trainer Program, you should carefully weigh the advantages of internally-taught programs against Common Ground-instructed programs. Some of the benefits of having Common Ground conduct your workshops include:
- Subject-matter expertise. Every Common Ground program leader is a distinguished subject-matter expert and active, full-time practitioner with years of relevant, hands-on experience.
- Curriculum expertise. Because our instructors conduct our programs somewhere virtually every day of the year, they know them better than anyone. And, since we constantly update and refine every course, they are versed and skilled in all the latest enhancements.
- Training expertise. Every Common Ground program leader is an exceptional teacher with considerable training experience and first-rate platform skills.
- Client and industry expertise. Our program leaders aren't employees of your organization, but your attendees may think they are! Before the session, your Common Ground instructor will spend hours in interviews and research, learning your business and the issues confronting your attendees. We make a special effort to learn and use—correctly—the unique vocabulary and "buzz-words" of your industry and organization.
- Tailoring. If you've ever put together a tailored training program, you know just how difficult and time-consuming a task it is. When Common Ground conducts your session, we do all of the tailoring for you. At no additional charge. we create the unique, convincingly realistic case studies that are so central to high-impact training. We prepare the written and multimedia materials that reflect your organization's priorities, concerns, personality, and style. We target the materials to thoroughly and specifically address the interests, circumstances, and problems of your trainees.
- Price. Common Ground continuously strives to keep its training affordable. Our no-advertising policy, exceptional referral rate, and limited full-time staff allow us to price our programs far below those of our competitors. Our workshops are so cost-effective that even our largest customers—organizations that could easily conduct Common Ground programs with staff instructors, or even create their own programs—overwhelming choose not to do so.
- Confidentiality. If security is your concern, you can relax. Common Ground zealously protects its clients' privacy and confidentiality. Both the Company and each individual instructor will execute a strict Nondisclosure Agreement before any work is undertaken.
- The Bottom Line. Common Ground programs conducted by Common Ground instructors are the right choice for the vast majority of organizations in vast majority of cases. However, in special circumstances, the best solution may be a Train-The-Trainer Program to qualify your trainers to conduct Common Ground programs.
Common Ground works with you to ensure that the program thoroughly and specifically addresses your organization's priorities and concerns. We interview your people and (confidentially, of course) we learn your business—who you are, what you do, how you do it, what your corporate culture is, where your industry stands and where you stand in your industry, what your short- and long-term objectives are, and what issues, problems and circumstances affect your target audience. With this information in hand, we prepare unique training materials for you.
Tailored case studies—lifelike scenarios that students can instantly relate to—are the best way to clarify, validate, and reinforce classroom concepts, and make them immediately transferable to the workplace. Common Ground is unsurpassed when it comes to the creation of unique, client-specific exercises. At no additional charge, we work in partnership with you to develop convincingly realistic scenarios that will excite and inform your attendees.
Meeting Leader's and Participant's Kits
The Meeting Leader's Kit includes the Leader's Guide, the program's standard case studies, a minimum of three original, tailored case studies, the program's standard multimedia materials, tailored multimedia materials, and Common Ground's PowerPoint presentation library (with hundreds of imaginative video clips, pictures, and cartoons to give emphasis, embellishment, or a creative flourish to your presentation).
The Participant's Kit includes the program's outstanding Manual (designed as a practical, desktop reference for continued use long after the session) and a complete set of the program's standard handouts and tools (e.g., checklists, samples, guides, pocket reference cards, personal action planner, etc.). During the license period you will receive all updates to standard course material.
The Meeting Leader's Workshop
Common Ground will conduct a two-day Meeting Leader's Workshop at your facility for up to 25 attendees. Additional Meeting Leaders' Workshops are available at the program's standard two-day rates.
Our Instructors
Please click here for more information about our instructors.
Our Legal Requirements
Due to the extremely comprehensive nature of the materials provided, both your organization and all Meeting Leader's Workshop attendees must sign an agreement:
1) to observe and protect Common Ground's proprietary rights in program materials, and
2) not to compete against Common Ground in training related to the program's topic during their employment with your organization and for a two-year period thereafter.

Sharpen your negotiation skills, and give your business the edge it needs to profit.
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